Elevation Hydration's
Health Hacks Blog
Just How Important is Magnesium?
Boost your Immune System & Reduce Migraines with IV Magnesium Infusions in Colorado Springs During your daily routine in Colorado Springs, you probably don’t think much about your mineral intake; you’re more likely worried about the big deal you have to close at work or your big vacation that’s only two weeks away. But adequate…
How To Create a Stronger & Healthier Immune System
Your immune system is complex. It is made up of multiple cells, tissues, and organs that all work together to protect you from illness, viruses, and infections. The ability to fight back against infections and diseases solely depends on your immune system. This is why it’s so important that you take care of it and…
Why IV Hydration is the Number One Way To Cure Any Hangover
So you went downtown last night and had a little too much fun. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. You had a blast the night before but the next morning you wake up with a headache, dry mouth, nausea, and serious fatigue. All common signs of a hangover along with dehydration. Many cure their hangovers with a…
Wanna Beat the Heat? Here’s How…
We’re are finally starting to experience those really long, hot July summer days in Colorado. After being quarantined for what seems like an eternity, all of us Coloradans are itching to get out and enjoy the beauty of this state because we can’t stand not being active! It’s hot, we’re closer to the sun, and…
Best Nutrients to Beat Stress
Written by: Melanie Banks for hydratetoelevate.com Stress is something that humans experience from time to time. But with our modern, fast-paced life, many of us have accepted that stress will always be something that we have to grapple with. Unfortunately, frequent stress can lead to detrimental health consequences that can damage our overall wellbeing. While stress…
5 Benefits of IV Hydration Therapy
You’ve heard it before — don’t forget to drink your water! But, how many of us are actually drinking an adequate amount of water a day? Not many people can say that they’re following the proper guidelines. So, just how much impact does being properly hydrated have on our bodies? Are you looking for healthier…
Elevation Hydration’s New Location at The Farm Athletic Performance Center
Over the past couple of years, we’ve been extremely fortunate to build up a wonderful clientele at our Colorado Springs location off of Academy and now we’ve opened up a new location focused on all the Colorado Springs athletes! Founded with a passion for getting Coloradans back to their busy lives, Elevation Hydration’s new location…
Start Feeling Better Wherever You Are with Mobile IV Hydration
If you haven’t heard about IV hydration therapy yet — you’re missing out. In recent years IV hydration therapy has continued to increase in popularity because it’s one of quickest and most efficient ways to not only deposit vital fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins into the bloodstream, but it’s also a fantastic way to boost your…
The 4 Main Causes of Dehydration
Did you know we could only go maybe 3 to 4 days without water? In fact, our bodies are made up of roughly 75 percent water. That’s why staying properly hydrated is so important, especially in the heat and altitude of Colorado Springs! With our ever increasing schedules and hectic lives, it’s pretty easy to…
Why Is Vitamin C Crucial to Keeping Us Healthy?
Did you know our bodies don’t naturally produce Vitamin C? Vitamin C is water-soluble, meaning the body does not hold onto it. Therefore, in order for individuals to maintain adequate levels of Vitamin C, we need to eat fruits and vegetables that contain it. However, it’s nearly impossible for anyone to consume the appropriate amount…