Elevation Hydration's

Health Hacks Blog

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Hydrate With Us, Check Your Neck with Balance Chiropractic

By corey@hydratetoelevate.com | October 16, 2022

As our community of amazing clients continue to grow at Elevation Hydration, we often get asked about other types of treatments and services that can be helpful for allowing our bodies to function optimally. Obviously, our bodies are made mostly of water, but what allows that amazing hydration to function properly happens to be something…

Happy Girl In Field

NAD Therapy: What You Need to Know About This Anti-Aging Treatment

By corey@hydratetoelevate.com | October 16, 2022

NAD therapy may be the answer if you’re looking for a way to improve your overall health and wellness. NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme in all living cells that plays an essential role in energy production and DNA repair. NAD levels decline as we age, leading to various health problems. Fortunately, there is…