The 4 Main Causes of Dehydration

Did you know we could only go maybe 3 to 4 days without water? In fact, our bodies are made up of roughly 75 percent water. That’s why staying properly hydrated is so important, especially in the heat and altitude of Colorado Springs!
With our ever increasing schedules and hectic lives, it’s pretty easy to forget about drinking water at all. Although not drinking enough water is the most common cause of dehydration, it’s definitely not the only one and there are various things that can cause you to become dehydrated.
Causes of Dehydration
There’s a reason why doctors say to drink a lot of water when prescribing you medication.
Various medications are classified as Diuretics which can trigger dehydration. Diuretics are used to remove salt and water from your body. This type of medication is commonly prescribed to people with heart or blood pressure problems, but can come in many forms such as laxatives.
So, always remember to make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids with any medication you take.
Just like certain medications alcohol has a diuretic effect on your body, causing you to urinate frequently.
In fact, for every shot you drink, your kidneys generate an extra 120 milliliters or about 4 ounces of urine each hour — in addition to what it normally already produces!
This causes you to lose water much faster than normal and leaves you waking up the next morning with a headache, dry mouth and dizzy, all common symptoms of dehydration.
With COVID-19 still in full force and with a trademark symptom of COVID being a high fever that lasts various days, it’s important to note how fevers can heavily affect your body.
When you have a fever you’re not only sweating, but you usually don’t feel your best leaving you with little to no appetite. Both of these combined can lead to fluid and electrolyte loss which can be extremely damaging to your body.
A great way to get some fluids and electrolytes back in your body at home is by eating some soup. However, we know how upset your stomach can be when you’re sick. This is where IV Hydration Therapy can help as it bypasses your digestive system completely and hydrates you instantly.
High Altitudes
High altitudes, such as what we experience here in Colorado Springs are linked to dehydration.
In high-altitude areas, your breathing is faster and deeper than usual. That, along with the little humidity we have at this altitude allows your sweat to evaporate faster and causes you to lose more water.
We know how hard it can be to drink water, especially if you’re visiting Colorado Springs, you’re likely excited to go on hikes and experience everything our beautiful state has to offer. However, this can lead to even less water consumption. IV Hydration Therapy can leave you hydrated in less than an hour and ready to take on your day.
How IV Hydration Can Help Relieve Dehydration in Colorado Springs
As you can see, we put our bodies through various things every day that make it difficult to stay hydrated — medications, alcohol, high altitude, etc. Hydrating our bodies properly and adding in vitamins is extremely important for our bodies to thrive and recover, but it’s not always manageable.
Elevation Hydration in Colorado Springs offers different IV Hydration Therapy packages to make sure you’re receiving the vitamins, minerals and hydration your body needs to continue feeling good every day.
Call us or book your appointment online today!
Dehydration FAQ
Does high altitude cause dehydration?
Yes, if your body isn’t acclimated to the increase in elevation, the increased breathing from lack of oxygen and lower humidity in the air can contribute to dehydration. For those visiting Colorado for the first time and are planning to exercise while here, be sure to bring more water than you normally would.
Can dehydration affect your breathing?
In short, yes, severe dehydration can affect your breathing. Extreme fluid loss in the body can lead to hypotension (low blood pressure) which can cause shortness of breath. However, shortness of breath is not always a guarantee of dehydration or hypotension, as it can also be a result of the altitude for those coming to the high country of Colorado.
How do I stay hydrated in Colorado?
Staying hydrated when visiting Colorado can be harder than you imagine, as the increased altitude can cause your body to use far more water than you are used to. If you’re concerned about proper hydration when visiting Colorado Springs or Denver, visit Elevation Hydration and see how our IV hydration packages have helped thousands of visitors prevent dehydration when touring the state.
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