Recover from Jet Lag with IV Therapy in Colorado Springs

Frequent fliers often spar with the symptoms of jet lag. Whether it’s disturbed sleep, daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating and functioning, or stomach problems, jet lag can cause a number of challenges. That said, by implementing some new strategies, you can lessen the nasty effects of jet lag. Keep reading for 10 ways to effectively cope with jet lag, as explained by WebMD.
10 Ways to Effectively Recover from Jet lag
- Start your schedule before you leave – By adjusting your schedule in advance of your flight, you allow your body to get a head-start. For example, if you’re traveling east, shift your bedtime 30 minutes earlier each for several nights. Do the opposite if you’re traveling west.
- Adapt to your new schedule during the flight – For psychological reasons, it’s a good idea to change the time on your watch once you get on the plane. This practice helps you get into the mindset of your itinerary for when you arrive at your destination.
- Arrive early – This is a must for folks who travel for business. Do what you can to arrive a few days early so your mind and body can get acclimated. Should this not be an option, try to get some sleep on the flight if you can.
- Stay hydrated – We’ll expand on this later, but it’s imperative to drink water before, during, and after your flight so dehydration doesn’t set in. Several hours before you plan to sleep, steer clear of alcohol or caffeine.
- Keep moving – Depending on the flight’s duration, get up and walk around periodically. Even while sitting, try doing some static exercises and stretching. Pro tip: though you may want to hit the gym before bedtime, avoid doing so, as it can delay sleep.
- Consider natural light therapy – Keep in mind that exposure to sunlight helps regulate our circadian rhythms. On westward flights, get bright morning light at your destination and avoid afternoon/evening light exposure. Do the opposite for eastward flights. Natural light therapy helps shift the body’s circadian clock so that you feel rested and wake at ideal times at your destination.
- Eat smartly – Contrary to popular belief, no research has confirmed the benefits of eating a heavy diet prior to traveling and then fasting the day of the flight. To keep your sleep patterns in check, avoid eating a high carb or fatty diet close to bedtime.
- Take a hot bath – After a long, stressful day of travel, your body could use a bit of pampering. A hot bath relaxes sore muscles and allows you to wind down. As an added benefit, the drop in body temperature when you get out of a bath may make you sleepy.
- Eliminate sleep distractions – Do you find yourself struggling to sleep on your flights or even in your room at night? Try to minimize distractions such as light shining in through a window. Invest in high-quality earplugs or an eye mask if need be.
- Consult your doctor – If you don’t find success with any of the aforementioned tips, see if your doctor can be of any help. They may be able to prescribe medications to take temporarily that help you sleep or stay alert on your next trip.
How IV Therapy Can Help You Recover from Jet Lag
Elevation Hydration in Colorado Springs offers hydration packages that work great for jet lag recovery. IV vitamin therapy promotes overall wellness and recovery through essential vitamins and nutrients. Take your pick from the following IV oxygen therapy options: Elevate (recovery), Immune Tune (immunity), and Myers’ Cocktail (immunity).
Call Elevation Hydration for proven, affordable jet lag treatment.
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