Hydration for Athletes – Athletic Performance IV Hydration in Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs is one big playground with adventures for all sorts of thrill seekers and skill levels. The altitude and rigorous activity can take a toll on our hydration levels, which causes your body to lose a lot of essential vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals. It is very difficult to replace these vital nutrients in a short period of time by drinking fluids. Trying to guzzle down a gallon of water causes bloating, nausea, and discomfort because your body simply can’t absorb large amounts of fluids when it’s saturated.
Visit Elevation Hydration in Colorado Spring and in 45 minutes or less, we can provide you with an IV infusion of 1 liter that is the equivalent of 2 gallons of water. In addition to that, you will get the electrolytes and minerals that your body needs to perform at an optimal level.
We have two athlete specific hydration packages to keep you fueled for whatever keeps you active.
B-complex vitamins are known for producing:
· more energy
· a fuller/deeper sleep
· red blood cell production
· brain, muscle, & central nervous system health
· protein metabolism, & more.
Add in some magnesium and Toradol with the Olympus package and you have some serious relief for muscle aches & pains, inflammation, and headache symptoms.
Book your appointment today.